At The End of the World - though not so gloomy as it sounds. Ateow is an old farm house in Virginia, built before the Civil War around 1815, and was the home of Dr. John D. Payne during the Civil War and where he would bring injured or sick soldiers to treat.

It used to be out in the middle of 'nowhere', thus the name since visitors had to travel to the end of the world to get here. It still resides in thought and reality as the place of all places to be. It is home.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Terrible Tuesdays

For some reason, my son really doesn't like Tuesdays. At first I thought it was a little joke and he'd get over it, but every Tuesday he says the same thing: Tuesday sux! Tuesdays are terrible! That changed to Terrible Tuesdays and now it's stuck. I don't know that I subscribe to any day of the week being worse (or better) than any other. They're all just days. Days happen. Maybe it's because it's trash day. I don't know. We've had trash days on Monday and Wednesday before and those days never went from normal to horrible before. He said it when I dropped him off at school today; it's terrible Tuesday. See ya.

I'm calling it lethargic Tuesday myself since I can't seem to get motivated to do anything but be a couch potato. I have piles of yard work to do. It's a beautiful, sunny day. I ought to be outside. Got no energy for it.

I bought plane tickets to Orlando the other day to take the kids to see the Space Shuttle launch. I can't wait. Hope the launch doesn't get delayed or changed. Keeping my fingers crossed on that one. I'll be writing a good bit about the trip and the experience as we get near and go through it.

I should have been an astronaut

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