At The End of the World - though not so gloomy as it sounds. Ateow is an old farm house in Virginia, built before the Civil War around 1815, and was the home of Dr. John D. Payne during the Civil War and where he would bring injured or sick soldiers to treat.

It used to be out in the middle of 'nowhere', thus the name since visitors had to travel to the end of the world to get here. It still resides in thought and reality as the place of all places to be. It is home.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

A beginning

It's Saturday, May 3, closing in on noon. I have to go pick up my daughter from her sleep-over pretty soon, mow the front fields, do laundry...chores, chores, chores. Another hectic day with too few hours to get it all done and still have energy for anything remotely fun! Life, another words. 

This is my first attempt at a blog, a kind of online journal that just anyone can read. What a strange concept!

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